The "Mayura Prasada Bhojanalaya" was inagurated on 21st December 2000 at Idagunji temple. In this "Free Prasada Bhojana Scheme", devotees are served with Lord Ganesha's prasada bhojana.
'ANNADHAANA' has been considered as the most fruitful "DHAANA". Devotees can participate in 'Annadhana Scheme' by donating a minimum of Rs. 1501/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred and One only) to the
'Permanent Prasada meals Service fund' (Shashwata Prasada Bhojana Seva Nidhi). You are assured that Prasada Bhojana will be served
to the devotees in the name and on the date that you propose, once in every
year. The Prasada will be sent to you with special prayer for your success and prosperity.
You are free to fix the date of seva in the name of sweet memory of your elders or your birthday or marriage anniversary
The donors name will be displayed on such day in the dining hall.